Buzz Worthy News: October 5, 2015 | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Welcome to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kate Copeseeley is here to give it to you straight. In this week's Buzz Worthy News: Patrick Ness Writes YA Dr. Who Spin-off, Bridget Jones 3 Is Happening, Pharrell and Penguin Do #ReadHAPPY, and Dark Horse Comics faces allegations of Harrassment. Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery's weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two. For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Tuesday post: Hot New Titles. Bridget Jones 3 Is Heading Your Way And it looks like it's coming next year, in September—if you're intrigued or excited by that sort of thing. I honestly don't know how they're going to do this story line, because as you'll remember they killed off Darcy in that one. And they're swearing he'll be in the