Review: Trouble Is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
You know those books that are maybe not objectively the greatest but are still quite solid and tons of fun so whatever nothing's perfect? Trouble Is a Friend of Mine is one of those books (for me at least, I've seen other reviews calling it both flawless and irredeemably awful so perspective and all of that). Let's get the negative out of the way first, shall we? I figured out the mystery within four chapters (something I am often times utter crap at), Zoe, the main character/narrator's characterization mostly consists of sarcasm, dad issues and is friends with Digby, and Digby, the character the book arguably centers around, is the definition of a manic pixie dream boy with the analytical and social skills of the BBC's Sherlock. If any of those things are deal breakers for you, you're probably not going to like this book. That said, I liked it, like, a lot. A MPDanything combined with an MC that basically only serves as a viewpoint into said MPDperson's life is normally enough for me