Buzz Worthy News: July 27, 2015

27 July, 2015 Buzz Worthy News 11 comments

BWN-bee-graphicWelcome to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kate Copseleey is here to give it to you straight.

In this week’s Buzz Worthy News: Mockingjay trailer released, John Green to be a Producer, Dumplin’ is being made into a movie, hot pictures of Charlie Hunnam from King Arthur released. All this and much, much more!

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two. For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Tuesday post: Hot New Titles.

Movie News

Mockingjay Part 2 Full Trailer


Seriously, guys, I cannot believe it’s almost over.  And what a way to go, eh?  Can’t wait to see this!


John Green Newsy Stuff (bring out the JGNN icon!)

JGNNI feel like there should be a special newsy soundtrack that plays whenever there’s another story about John Green.  Today’s news: JG is gonna be a professional producer.

The author of Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars has signed a first-look producing deal with Fox 2000.

Green will work with Temple Hill principals Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, who produced bothFault and the upcoming Paper Towns, on several projects. Green also has hired Rosianna Halse Rojasas a production exec.

It seems like his first big project as a producer with Temple Hill will be the adaption of his book, Looking For Alaska.

“We are elated to expand upon our already extraordinary relationship with John and feel honored to be able to enhance our creative horizons together,” said Fox 2000 president Elizabeth Gabler. “He is truly a force of nature and we are proud to be part of his world.”

Wow, that’s a seriously amount of ass-kissing right there.



Dumplin’ Movie To Happen!

18304322Dumplin‘ hasn’t even hit its publication date yet, and it’s already been optioned by Disney!

Disney acquired the movie rights preemptively and is in talks with Michael Costigan to produce the film.

The novel centers on a confident teen girl — named Dumplin’ by her former beauty queen mom — taking a job at the local fast-food joint. She meets a former jock whom she likes and he seems to like her back. When she begins to doubt herself, she sets out to take back her confidence by doing the most horrifying thing she can imagine: entering a beauty pageant to show the world that she deserves to be up there as much as any skinny girl does.

The book sounds like a lot of fun, so here’s hoping Disney doesn’t ruin it. (sorry, jaded)



New Stills From Arthur Movie

51z7cFM-EdL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_This isn’t a paltry excuse to show pictures of hot, hot, HOT Charlie Hunnam.  Oh no.  Arthur is a story, which means it’s a book, which means this is a TOTALLY legit book news story.  Anyways, there’s gonna be an Arthur movie called ‘King Arthur’ and here are the stills (sorry, no shirtless. boo.):

Charlie-Hunnam-King-Arthur-1374-06 king-arthur-charlie-hunnam-1374-03 Charlie-Hunnam-King-Arthur-1374-04



Book News


Nick Offerman To Write Book

Nick_Offerman_2013_Headshot_(cropped)This is gonna be funny, right? Tell me it’s gonna be funny.

Nick Offerman has signed a book deal with the Penguin Random House imprint, Dutton. Offerman became well-known for playing the role of Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation.

According to the press release, Offerman plans to write a book focused on the subject of “woodworking and its ancillary lifestyle.” The Offerman Woodshop will featured “illustrated how-to straight out of Nick’s real-life woodworking headquarters.”


Oh Good, it’s gonna be funny!

Jill Schwartzman, an executive editor, managed the acquisition of Offerman’s manuscript. The publication date has been scheduled for Fall 2016.


Writing News


A Program That Analyzes Writing

So, I guess if you’re like me and you read the stuff you write and curse the writing gods for not making you as talented as Laini Taylor, there is a new program out by IBM to help with that.

IBM has released a new feature for its super computer Watson that analyzes language to determine the emotion in the writing tone. The tool is being pushed to business people as a way to analyze communications, but why not see what Watson has to say about that email your protagonist sends to his mother?

I dunno, sounds kind of expensive.  Super Computer?

Writing Style/Tone: Writing tone provides feedback on how analytical, confident and tentative one’s writing is. Analytical tone shows a person’s reasoning and analytical attitude about things. Confidence tone indicates the degree of certainty exhibited by an individual towards something. Tentative tone shows the attitude of inhibition.

In addition, the Tone Analyzer service explains which words in the provided text contributed to which tone. Furthermore, it offers alternate word suggestions to refine the text to reflect desired tones. There is no minimum word requirement for the text input in order for the Tone Analyzer service to perform its functions well.


Here’s my only hesitation.  Will everyone’s words get over-analyzed to death? Will our words become bland, gray, nothings, saying only the most soothing and passive things that seem to appeal to any person?  It sounds a little dystopian to me.

Source (and a link to the article which is fascinating)

Interesting Links

Are You A Member of John Green’s Squad?

Storify Of Q&A for Fantastic Beasts With JK


Kate Copeseeley

Kate Copeseeley

Buzz Worthy News Correspondent
Kate Copeseeley is the Buzz Worthy News Correspondent, occasional reviewer, and a bonafide bookslut®. She can be found haunting Goodreads, writing The 100 fanfic, and neglecting everything else in favor of burying her nose in a book. Visit her on Goodreads.
Kate Copeseeley

Latest posts by Kate Copeseeley (see all)

11 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: July 27, 2015”

  1. Danielle

    That’s weird that GalleyCat is reporting on Nick Offerman’s book, Paddle Your Own Canoe, which came out two years ago! He’s got a second one now too, called Gumption. I want to check them both out, but haven’t quite got around to them yet :/

  2. Kate Copeseeley

    LOL No, the original post is correct (not sure about the book’s name) but their link to the press release was wrong, and that’s what the text was from.
    They’ve messed up links before, but it was my bad for not catching it this time. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂

  3. Georgette

    John Green- COOL beans.
    Charlie- Wow. I like him a lot more as King Arthur than I would have liked him in Fifty Shades of Shame (Bad Grammar). Also, he puts his sword to better use!
    Super computer—I wonder what it would do with the “work” of E.L. James
    And as for Dumplin’, this book looks awesome. Somehow- that one has gotten by me, as far as knowledge of its existence. so thanks again for enlightening me. I think my 15-year old bookseller veteran brain is starting to go to mush.
    I’ll blame E.L. James and Cassie Clare for that.
    Nice edition, Kate. Looking forward to next post.

  4. Beth W

    I was SO on board with the King Arthur pic…until we got to the faux-leather pants. Really, Hollywood? AGAIN?! Why you no let the period hotties wear cloth pants???

    But Dumplin’ has been on my list for months, so that’s exciting. And also…awkward. How can you know it’ll be a good book if Disney has their claws up in it as a movie before it’s even out yet? Hmmm…suspicious.

  5. Carina Olsen

    Yay for bunch of awesome news 🙂 But ugh, I still don’t get why there will be a Looking for Alaska movie. I couldn’t stand the book. Okay, when I read it I gave it three stars, then went back a few months after and changed it to two stars, but it is a one star in my head right now :p Thank you for sharing about all of this Kate 🙂

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