Real Talk about Blogger Exhaustion | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Blogger exhaustion happens to the best of us. No really, we're exhausted. Hahahaha! Get it? Cause we're the best? No? Oh well... okay. But, no seriously. If you're looking at your life choices right now and feeling that same old exhaustion of blogging setting in, then we're right there with you. I wanted to talk today about aspects of blogging that can be tiresome and lead to blogger exhaustion. And I'm going to get real with you guys here. And it's going to be easy for some people to not like what I'm saying because I'm not going to be diplomatic. I'm not being nice in this post. No pandering, no softening up the truth, just straight out facts about my blogging life that I can't stand. So I'm coming out and saying it like it is. Haters to the left. 1. Blog Tours We know, we know. There are so many blog tours going around and we do a lot of them. The problem is, blog tours these days can get a little basic. And a lack of organisation can make some tours very painful to be on. The