Review: The Girl With All The Gifts | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
The problem is The Girl With All The Gifts is that it is amazing and I don't want to tell you anything about it. You see, one of the best parts of this book is how it unfolds. Each layer of the story is slowly revealed with as much intense build up as the human nervous system can take. You guys, this book is flat out creepy. Like my shoulders are tense, I kind of have goosebumps, WHAT'S THAT? NO DON'T TOUCH ME I'M SCARED creepy. I went in with zero idea of what to expect besides Ellen at Orbit was really excited about it, Joss Whedon and io9 loved it and I think maybe there are zombies or something. I think this approach is sort of key for getting the full effect of the narrative. Unfortunately, this leaves me kind of at loose ends as far as reviewing goes. I will tell you that it contains some seriously disturbing shit. I have a pretty high threshold for (reading about) squicky stuff and there were a couple of scenes and descriptions I would gladly scrub from my brain (nonexistent