Review: Golden by Jessi Kirby | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
I definitely don't venture into the realm of contemporary YA as often as many other genres - I have an incurable "magic brain", and so stories with some speculative element usually appear to me more. Even so, when I love contemporary books, I love them a lot, because there's something about them that makes me bubble up with happy feels and sometimes a renewed faith in humanity. And such are my fuzzy-happy feels about this book. (And its cover. I could look at this cover for hours.) Parker's voice is immediately down-to-earth, and she's a protagonist who can be quickly liked and related to. She acknowledges her own flaws, works towards controlling them, and is a master of genuine awkwardness. I feel like too many heroines are "awkward" in a way that feels contrived because authors are attempting to give them any character flaw they can find, kind of like the "clumsy main character" trend that refuses to disappear from YA literature. (Read: "awkward" is not a character flaw. Everyone is