Review: Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach

29 January, 2014 Reviews 19 comments

Review: Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel BachFortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach
Series: Paradox #1
Published by Orbit Books on November 5th 2013
Pages: 330
Genres: Adult, Sci-Fi
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Amazon Good BooksBook Depository

Devi Morris isn't your average mercenary. She has plans. Big ones. And a ton of ambition. It's a combination that's going to get her killed one day - but not just yet.

That is, until she just gets a job on a tiny trade ship with a nasty reputation for surprises. The Glorious Fool isn't misnamed: it likes to get into trouble, so much so that one year of security work under its captain is equal to five years everywhere else. With odds like that, Devi knows she's found the perfect way to get the jump on the next part of her Plan. But the Fool doesn't give up its secrets without a fight, and one year on this ship might be more than even Devi can handle.

If Sigouney Weaver in Alien met Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica, you'd get Deviana Morris -- a hot new mercenary earning her stripes to join an elite fighting force. Until one alien bite throws her whole future into jeopardy.

I was looking at my Goodreads stats a little while ago and noticed that I tend to swing high on ratings. This worries me, I don’t want my five stars to become meaningless. I decided to reserve five star ratings for books that make me want to punch things they’re so fantastic. It was to be the dawn of a new day of responsible, thoughtful ratings where a full five is rare.

Then, of course, I read Fortune’s Pawn.

Wall-punchingly amazing? Check.
Totally shippable, swoonworthy ship? Check.
Exciting, action packed plot with an intriguing mystery to be unraveled? Check.

Basically, Fortune’s Pawn deserves those five stars and then some. So, new plan, we’re going to institute a codeword system. From here on out I will continue to like things with the full breadth of my enthusiasm (I’m not sorry, while ranting can be fun, I generally enjoy liking things more) and will let you know when a book is the best of the best of the best (ala Newsflesh or Lumatere) with a TBD codeword. Or gif.

Possibly this gif:

Sherlock, YES(Or maaaaaaybe I just wanted an excuse to spend more time looking up Sherlock on tumblr. It’s hard to tell. I don’t know, we can work out the details later.)

ANYWAY, let me tell you about Fortune’s Pawn.

This is the kind of science fiction I’ve been looking for. It has all of the excellent action bits and fun futuristic spaceshippy setting that are required of the genre (without being overwhelming or dry, always a plus with world-building). But where this book really stands up and delivers is with it’s characters.

Devi is the shiz. I know I say MC’s are badass a lot (seriously, I have some bad habits that need shaking) but Devi really is. She a tough-as-nails mercenary who lives for the fight. She has four loves in her life: her armour, her pistol, her shotgun and her knife/sword/space-age machete thing (named The Lady Gray, Sasha, Mia and Phoebe respectively. I’m telling you, she’s the best.). As Christina pointed out when I assaulted her with my flaily fangirling, Devi’s basically a gender-swapped Jayne (an observation so on point, it’s put down roots in my brain and I now picture Devi in her suit wearing an orange and yellow knit cap with ear flaps) and OH MY GOD DID THE WORLD NEED THIS.

Sherlock, smiling(How’d that get there?)

The awesome characterization continues with the crew of the Glorious Fool. Hy’reck, the ships doctor is fantastic. He’s snarky and cranky and not afraid to show it (in short, my favorite kind of person). Nova, Devi’s roommate is adorable. She’s Devi’s opposite in every way and I particularly like how Devi appreciates that as opposed to looking down on her. Yay for beautiful friendships!

Sherlock and Watson hug(Yes, I am still on tumblr. Why do you ask?)

And then there’s Rupert. He’s sexy, smart, capable loner-type who’s also a total sweetheart when you get under his smooth, blank shell.

Sherlock winking(Seriously, you guys, I think I have a problem.)

It’s hard to talk about Rupert too much without spoilers (that in itself is a bit of a spoiler, but it takes all of a chapter with him present to realize the dude’s got secrets) and the same goes for many of the reasons the ship is so extremely shippable, so you’re going to have to trust me, okay? It’s a good ship with many a squealy moment.

Final verdict:
Fortune’s Pawn reminded me why I love scifi. It’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s mysterious and it’s also got juuuuuust enough romance to set my heart aflutter without overshadowing the larger plot. I highly recommend you read it. If for nothing else, to fill out my support group (THAT ENDING. NO FAAAAAAIIR) so we can group hug while we wait patiently (ha!) for Honor’s Knight.

Sherlock and Watson(I…yeah.)

Meg Morley

Meg Morley

Co-bloggery at Cuddlebuggery
Meg is an all-around book nerd who just really wants to talk about books, preferably with other people but by herself will do. Find her on Goodreads.

19 Responses to “Review: Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach”

    • Meg Morley

      Hahaha, the Jayne comparison is all Christina but whatever works because this books is FANTASTIIIIC!

    • Meg Morley

      YES! Devi is a wonderment. And, bonus points, the sequel comes out at the end of February and the conclusion comes out in the Spring. Hooray for a lack of horrifically long and torturous waits!

    • Meg Morley

      Same! I love scifi but it’s been awhile since I’ve really gotten into a scifi book (Marissa Meyer aside, but I see those more as futuristic fairytale retellings). This changed all of that. I hope you like it!

    • Meg Morley

      SHERLOOOOOOCK!! (Seriously, don’t get me started on Sherlock, I will go on for ages.) I’m glad I put Fortune’s Pawn on your radar, it deserves much love!

  1. Larissa

    Hey! I loved Fortune’s Pawn, it truly was an excellent read. I’m so happy you also enjoyed it c: Devi was completely badass and I adored her. This was a great review and the Sherlock gifs definitely allowed me to enjoy it even more [;
    Larissa recently posted…Blog Tour: The Secret of Isobel KeyMy Profile

    • Meg Morley

      YES. Devi is my hero. Thank you and I’m glad Sherlock enhanced the experience (although, let’s be honest, when does he not?)

    • Meg Morley

      Excellent! I hope you like it! Devi isn’t a Jayne copy or anything like that, but the comparison is highly amusing to me in light of her mercenary-ness and how she names her weapons.

  2. Ellis

    So I might have made that dying whale noise while reading this review. Seriously, I need to keep my bodily functions in check, because this is just getting out of control.

    As always, you’ve got me really excited about this one. Putting it on the same level as Lumatere and Newsflesh? HOLY SHIT THAT’S SOMETHING, ALL RIGHT.

    Hahaha, I love how completely obsessed with Sherlock you are. It makes this that much better (which, really, is a hard thing to do, since your reviews are the shiz in general.)

    I love that it reminded you of why you love sci-fi. I think I told you I had a similar kind of revelation with Lumatere and re: fantasy. It’s so wonderful when a book can do that. This is one of those books that I probably wouldn’t have read if it weren’t for friends loving it to pieces. So, I’m reading it based on your recommendation alone. I trust you that much. *cough*Scarlet*cough*
    Ellis recently posted…Review – SecretMy Profile

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