Reveals and Releases

28 October, 2012 Hot New Titles 4 comments

New Releases

The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

Cover Reveals

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

4 Responses to “Reveals and Releases”

  1. IoanaStefania

    Shadow of the Mark reminds me of Brodi Ashton’s covers for Everneath and Everbound.

    • Reading Wolf

      @IoanaStefania I think the same guy did the covers for Carrier of the Mark and Everneath, <a href=””>Ray Shappell.</a> Not sure if he did the sequels but they are very lovely. Shadow is basically the same as Carrier except flipped and recolored but still very lovely to behold.

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