Review: Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Let's play a little game of: WHO AM I... -My book starts with me moving to a new location and starting at a new school. -I live with just my dad, but don't worry about him, he's not important at all. In fact, you'll barely notice he exists at all! -I quickly make friends at my new school. I'm not sure why everyone likes me. I'm not remotely interesting. -I've never had a boyfriend before meeting my love interest and for some reason people at my school find that hard to believe. -As soon as my love interest catches my eye, I can't get him out of my mind. He's the mysterious type, but he only has eyes for me. He quickly becomes my boyfriend and we fall deeply in love. *swoon* -My boyfriend happens to have a sibling who simply adores me. How could she not, I'm so awesome! She has a super special sight too. P.S. her name starts with an "A." -My b-b-boyfriend---sorry that was me swooning again; he's so super howt *giggle*---also has another sibling that doesn't seem to like me at