Negative Reviews | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Recently there has been an uproar from a few authors on the practice of reviewing books, specifically on GoodReads. They think reviewers are too harsh, they hate the use of pictures and GIFs, and they feel like majority of the negative reviews author bash. I've found that majority of authors complaining happen to write in the YA genre. Now, here are my thoughts. Sure, some reviews are harsh, however those reviews are usually of the books that truly are awful. And I'm not talking about the reviewer just not liking the book. Oh, no. It's way more to that. Those books may personally offend a reader by portraying anti-feministic views, unhealthy relationships, anti-gay views, racial stereotypes, acts of plagiarism, ect. Should the reviewer hold their tongue to these things? In my honest opinion, no. Here's why. The reviews are not for the author; they are for other readers. If an author wants to read them, then they should take them for what they are: a reader's opinion of what they read.