Review: Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

1 April, 2014 Reviews 21 comments

Disney sent me Deep Blue in this super fancy box with a video trailer and a little mini making of movie. I’m going to put those two movies in first so that you can see them and then we can talk about this book.



There have been a ton of mermaid books that have published in the past few years. I don’t really think of mermaids as a MUST READ creature feature but I have read plenty of the offerings. Still, I wasn’t sure what expect from Deep Blue.

Where most of the YA mermaid fiction is more paranormal Deep Blue is contemporary fantasy and focuses a lot on the political and origin stories of the mermaids.

The book starts out with some of this:

Most of the time the book felt like a YA fantasy novel. There were times when the narrators were a bit more immature than the current young adult trending fashions. I did feel the characterizations took a major hit but this was made up for by the deep, deep, rich world building.

I am a sucker for facts and myths and world building. Reading this book was very enjoyable. They record histories and messages into conch shells. The dinners and foods sounded disgusting to me but oh so wonderful for a mermaid. The history of the mermaids was well thought out and plausible.

The writing was gorgeous and I found myself wanting to read it at times of the day where I normally don’t read. I took this book to lunch two days in a row and skipped my internet free time. I do think this is a book that will be more enjoyed by actual teenagers rather than adults like me that read young adult. I say that because of the bits of immaturity and drama and the lack of character building.

It seemed like each of the merls (girls) were given a few token flaws/issues/quirks and that is as far as characterization went. The characters did grow by the end of it all but not in leaps and bounds the way you would expect.

All in all I really loved reading Deep Blue and cannot wait to read book two. I think these merls are going to get themselves into a ton of trouble and I for one can’t wait to see what type of mermaid magic they will use to get out of the predicament.

If you’re a fan of world building and interesting political systems you will love Deep Blue.

21 Responses to “Review: Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly”

  1. Vickie Ramage

    Ehhhh… I’ll pass. I’ve actually never read a story about mermaids because it just sounds… silly. And every one I’ve seen has a strong romance element and not much story. If anyone has any mermaid recs throw ’em my way.

    ★ Under The Mountain ★

    • Pam

      The romance in this one is definitely a side plot. The main plot is the girls and their destiny and the fantasy.

  2. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    I have to admit…I skimmed your review because I’m desperate to see early thoughts but I have this on the pile to review so didn’t any real details. I’ve got to say I’m so happy you liked it! I have high hopes for this book 🙂 I love hearing this reads like a fantasy. Very excited! Might have to move it up the pile some 🙂 And that fancy box was delightful.

  3. Lena Marsteller

    Wow! This book sounds really cool! I don’t mind political plots but they have to be engaging… and not predictable.
    The fantasy part looks amazing… I love the song in the book trailer.
    Great review Pam!

  4. Angel (Spare Reads)

    So I wasn’t sold by the cover… and definitely not that book trailer. It may have resolute my decision to shy away from this book even more. For some reason, I just generally don’t have a passion for mermaid books. (I love Little Mermaid though, so good gif :P) But I’m really curious about the world building and I’m absolutely dying to know their origin stories. So I don’t know, I might read this. I might not. LOL I’m just really conflicted…

  5. Nicole Hewitt

    This book sounds really good. I actually sometimes really appreciate when there are books that cater to a somewhat younger YA crowd. YA seems to be getting more and more mature and heavy – that’s okay, but it’s nice to have other options too.

  6. Shannelle C.

    I’m not a big fan of mermaid stories, although I really don’t know why. Maybe it’s because the first mermaid book I found in the wild was actually titled, “Fins Are Forever.” It might be a really good book, but mermaids will forever have such a juvenile connotation in my head.

    But then, I am a sucker for worldbuilding. I get a kick out of things like that.

  7. Nikki @ Foil the Plot

    As far as mermaid books go, my first experience with Elizabeth Fama’s Monstrous Beauty was pretty awesome. Part paranormal, part historical fiction and part fantasy, it was rich with amazing world-building, romance and more adult-like themes. My next experience with Anna Banks’ book, Of Poseidon, however, was pretty bad. Suffice it to say, I’m about ready to release this trend back to the sea. I’m glad you enjoyed it though!

  8. Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    I have a very love/hate relationship with mermaid books(more on the hate side). I’ve yet to read one that has been more than a 3* for me.
    But I’ve been interested in this one and you’ve intrigued me even more so by mention of the world building. 🙂

  9. Kelly

    There’s so few water based books that get it right, whether it be mermaid or Atlantis type settings. This one sounds really good. Brilliant review and thanks for sharing.

  10. Anya

    This is so exciting! I love mermaids and have been a bit disappointed by the iffy books and subsequent bad rap that they’ve gotten in YA lately, haha. I have this one to read, so I might have to find time for it sooner than I expected 😀

  11. Anonymous

    I absolutely loved this book! I finished it a while ago now and could not wait for the second one! It was wonderful; I love the characters so much! You really get to know them throughout the stories, and it gives a lot of well-thought-out history of the merpeople. If you like fantasy or myths/legends, you should really read this- the series is great so far!